Lüttje Lagen Beginners Set: practice your skills in secret! Includes everything Luettje Lagen Beer of your choice, Glasses and Schnapps. Lüttje Lage Beginners Set

19.90 *
Delivery weight: 1.7 kg

in stock
can be shipped within 1-4 days


Sleeve design according to your requirements. Your individual Lüttje Lage set available for the first set. Sleeve design new at luettjelage.com

2.00 *
Delivery weight: 25 g

can be shipped within 1-3 days

Luettje Lage Chocolate made with Beer and Schnapps. This unique Hanover Chocolate is really scrumptious and now in 110 g extra large.

9.90 *
Delivery weight: 150 g
1000 g = 90.00 €

in stock
can be shipped within 1-4 days

How to drink Lüttje Lage properly - the tutorial in many languages. Get your tutorial now and learn how to drink Lüttje Lage.

0.00 *
Delivery weight: 80 g

This is a reference page for Lüttje Lage instructions in 30+ languages.
Click on the link and download the tutorial.

It is available (unfortunately only on display this way  ;-)  )

Typical Hanover Box with the best foodstuffs from Hanover: Lütje Lage, leibniz Bisquits, Coffee, Lüttje Lage Chocolate. Indeed typically Hanover.

39.90 *
Delivery weight: 4.8 kg

in stock
can be shipped within 1-4 days

Lüttje Lage Supply with Lüttje Lage Beer and Schnapps You select Gilde Beer or Herrenhäuser Beer. The Set is without the glasses. Get your Lüttje Lage here !

4.90 *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg

in stock
can be shipped within 2-4 days