Lüttje Lage Chocolate

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Price incl. VAT, plus delivery
Delivery weight: 150 g
1000 g = 90.00 €

1000 g = 90.00 €

Will Lüttje Lage Chocolate become your new favourite Hanover Chocolate ?

Chocolate meets Beer and Schnaps ! A really nice and fresh product. Your new favourite Chocolate

  • 1 Square Bar of Lüttje Lage Chocolate - extra large - 110 gr
    (choose from Lüttje Lage Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate)

Auszeichnungen 2014 und 2015 der International Chocolate AwardsLüttje Lage Chocolate: Awarded GOLD in 2014 and 2015 as the best filled chocolate in Germany, Austria and Switzerland;
SILVER World-Award in London 2014

This typical Hanover Chocolate is filled with a Ganache made from Beer and Schnapps.
Available to the connoisseur in two varieties: Milk- and Dark Chocolate.

The Packing is 12 x 12 cm and can therefore also hold a DVD.

This special Beer-Chocolate is the perfect gift as Chocolate with Alcohol is the big thing be it as a chocolate Gift for Christmas or other special occasion. This is a very typical Hannover Present.


Chocolate "Best before": Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum der Schokolade 15.12.2015


The chocolate used in this product is made by Felchlin and has been named as the best chocolate of the world in 2004.

Read all about Lüttje Lage Chocolate (the real "Hanover Chocolate") in our article "Lüttje Lage zum Reinbeißen" (currently in german only).


For more extraordenary Chocolate visit: chocolats-de-luxe.de


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Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
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Browse these categories as well: Chocolate with Beer and Schnapps filling, Luettje Lage Glasses, Bibs & Trays, Luettje Lage Sets, Typically Hannover Souvenirs & Gifts, Hanover Gifts, Hanover Souvenirs, vegan food and gifts from hannover, Christmaspresents Hannover, Hannover Chocolate with Beer and Schnapps filling